The Best way to clean your Dirty Sofa – Step by Step Guide

Your sofa is among one of the most used furniture at home and goes through a lot for you. Apart from the regular wear and tear, it also accumulates dust and can get messy due to food spills. However, let this not cramp up your style.

In this blog about Sofa Cleaning, you’ll get to know how to regularly clean your sofa fabric or in case of stains, how to clean your sofa with detergents, baking soda and more.

What should you know before you start cleaning your sofa?

Before you begin cleaning your sofa, it is important to know what type of fabric is used and what the codes on your sofa tags represent.

Codes generally used on tags include:

WThis indicates that water can be used in cleaning
WSA dry-cleaning detergent or mild detergent and steam vacuum can be used
XNo water, vacuum only
SClean with dry cleaner detergent  

How to start cleaning the Sofa

Regular Cleaning of your Sofa

Dust Regularly / Vaccum

Regardless of the fabric of your sofa, always start by taking a dry rag and dust your sofa regularly. A vacuum is your sofa’s best friend. For regular cleanup, a vacuum removes dust and keeps your sofa clean for a longer time.

Timely Dry Cleaning

Has the light coloured sofa that looked good in the store lost its colour at your home?  It is important to clean your sofa regularly as it becomes difficult to clean your sofa if too much dust accumulates over time. With several visit-at- home sofa cleaning services available, remember to call for professional home cleaners from time to time to restore it to its original condition.

Remove different Stains

The first rule to remove stains from a sofa is to get to it right away. Clean the sofa immediately after the spill to save yourself a lot of sorrow later on.

Cleaning tips for Fabric Upholstery Sofa

  • When you spill, blot the spill with tissue to soak up as much moisture as possible. Do not let it seep into the sofa fabric
  • Always use a moist cloth or tissue on the spot
  • Should the spill leave a stain, rub the spot with a mild soap solution and wipe with a clean, damp cloth
  • Use a neutral coloured cloth or else you might have to deal with bleeding colours from the duster itself
  • For a tough stain, you can use a solution of baking soda or vinegar. But, test how the fabric reacts in a small area first or check its tag
  • To remove juice, wine and dark chocolate stains, baking soda in warm water is great
  • For milky tea and coffee spills, cleaning the sofa with steam (a cloth dipped in boiling water) is recommended
  • Diluted rubbing alcohol is good for removing ink stains from sofas
  • For blood stains, use cold water with a neutral coloured duster and then use mild detergent for a full clean up
  • For food spills and oil stains, scrape off the food particles from the fabric and sprinkle some baking soda on the area. Brush it off when the oil is completely soaked. Repeat the process until all the oil is completely soaked

Cleaning tips for Leather Sofa

  • Soap and mild water may be used to clean a dirty leather sofa
  • Wipe the soap with a clean cloth and do not let the water soak into the leather
  • Natural detergents are recommended. Remember to check the way your sofa behaves by cleaning a small spot before using it on the whole surface
  •  For mildew or mould on a damp patch, clean with a cloth soaked in vinegar. Vinegar acts as a mild disinfectant.

These easy home remedies make it easy to keep your sofa looking brand new. However, a busy lifestyle may not allow you the convenience of time to deep clean your home. But, worry not; Homesurf’s professional sofa cleaning services are there to take care of your home and cleaning. Our experts are trained at using various cleaning agents on different types of sofa. They not only save you time but also do away with the hassle of you obtaining all the cleaning material.

Get In touch with us.  

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Shruti Sood


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